Alexa can alleviate the loneliness and isolation of senior citizens.

While perhaps sentimental, Alexa appears to alleviate the loneliness experienced by senior citizens.

For the duration of one month, 57 residents of the United Kingdom aged 65 and older were provided with Amazon Echo devices for use in a study.

Positive Impact on Loneliness

Four out of every five of them reported that using the voice assistant reduced their feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Fifty-nine percent of the participants reported feeling upbeat before the trial. However, this figure increased to 68% after the first two weeks of use, and by the end, 75% reported feeling happier.

Furthermore, the research, funded by the technology behemoth, revealed that the device induced feelings of tranquility and relaxation.

One participant commented, “It enhances my technological self-assurance and functions as a companion to some degree.”

Multiple Uses of Alexa

Alexa was most frequently used to access weather predictions, followed by news updates, podcast listening, music listening, and answering queries.

One in three individuals used the device as a medication reminder.

Angela Rippon, 79, a Strictly star and broadcaster who has collaborated with Amazon to promote how Alexa can assist the elderly, mentioned that she used the device to create her shopping list.

She said, “Voice-activated devices can be used to invite family and acquaintances into one’s home via AI voice services such as Alexa.”

The app is easy to use and can answer weather questions and help you improve the cha-cha.

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