Poll: Doctors aggressive drivers, hairdressers friendliest

A national survey reveals that physicians are the most aggressive drivers, electricians fail to signal when exiting roundabouts, and HR personnel are unable to park.

These, according to the multi-occupational study, are only a few of the direct correlations that exist between occupations and driving practices; the findings are unexpected.

The study as a whole demonstrates that construction professionals are the fastest drivers on the road, with seven out of ten (71 per cent) admitting to frequently exceeding the speed limit and occupying the fast lane on the motorway (15 per cent).

Despite this, medical professionals are the most irate on the roads, according to a survey of 2,000 Britons; one-fourth of them (26 per cent) routinely express their irritation at other motorists through rude hand gestures and shouting (14 per cent).

It was discovered that 90 per cent of hairdressers are the friendliest drivers, as they consistently express gratitude to other commuters for allowing them to pass.

Additionally, they extend a reciprocal favor by releasing an average of thirteen drivers per week, which surpasses the British average of ten.

We Buy Any Car data indicates, however, that HR personnel are the worst at parallel parking, with nearly half of them consistently crashing into the kerb and three-fifths stating that it takes them multiple attempts to enter a parking space.

A third of electricians acknowledge that when exiting a roundabout, they do not always indicate.

In regards to last-minute mergers, the highest percentage of guilty parties are solicitors (22 per cent), followed by media professionals (20 per cent) and entrepreneurs (19 per cent).

Richard Evans, the chief of technical services at We Buy Any Car, remarked, “It’s been fascinating to see how the professions we hold and the driving habits we maintain can be compared.”Poll: Doctors aggressive drivers, hairdressers friendliest

Although it may be challenging to intervene in last-minute merging by a solicitor or convince a builder to adhere to the speed limit, we consistently advocate for drivers to heed traffic laws and evaluate whether their vehicle, be it a car or van, contributes to the burdensome nature of their commute.

Additionally, 92 per cent of the nation’s drivers believe that transportation can be extremely stressful, according to the data.

Driving Behaviors and Roadway Stress Factors

The primary causes of driver tension are heavy traffic volumes (71 per cent), aggressive drivers (52 per cent), excessive road closures (26 per cent), perplexing road layouts (22 per cent), and infuriating speed limits (21 per cent).

Four per cent express concern about driving due to the age of their vehicle, whereas three per cent merely despise their automobile.

One-fourth admit that their level of kindness and consideration as a driver is contingent upon their disposition, whereas more than three-quarters believe they are such.

Almost all motorists (96 per cent) believe that time spent on the roadways would be more enjoyable if everyone were a little friendlier.

An overwhelming 98 per cent of the British population believes they are safe drivers, and an additional 99 per cent consider themselves to be excellent drivers.

Despite this, 7 per cent of drivers report having been involved in an accident within the past year, and a quarter of drivers commonly experience anger while operating a motor vehicle.

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